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Welcome to 4D Implant Prosthodonic Center
Not just 3D, 4D. Our in-house 3 dimensional printing lab paired with advanced state-of-the-art technology produces high quality prosthetics that save patients time.
Using the latest advancements in cosmetic dentistry, we offer a wide range of services to enhance your smile. From dental implants that can instantly transform the appearance of your teeth to natural-looking full mouth prostheses that restore both beauty and function, our skilled team utilizes the finest materials and techniques for exceptional results.
Meet Dr. Firas Mourad
Dr. Mourad graduated from Damascus University School of Dentistry in 2002. After finishing his first residency in maxillofacial surgery, he got training on dental implants in Switzerland in 2009, then shaved his skills in soft and hard tissues grafting in South Korea. In 2011, Dr. Mourad received his master’s degree in Endodontics, his second residency, from Damascus University. He started his third residency in Prosthodontics at the University of Alabama (UAB) in the United States in 2014. He then completed his fellowship at UAB in maxillofacial prosthodontics.
After he finished his fellowship, he moved to Washington, DC to be closer to his family in 2018. He worked as a prosthodontic associate in Northern Virginia. After 6 months, he was offered to teach as an assistant professor at the University of Mississippi Medical Center (UMMC) and to lead the coordination of Removable Prostheses and Implant Dentistry courses at the School of Dentistry,
After 5 years of teaching, and over 20 years of experience in dentistry, he decided to start his own dental practice in a specialized center and to teach part-time at UMMC to help students in digital workflow of implant dentistry.
With over 20+ years of experience in implant and restorative dentistry, Dr. Mourad possesses a deep understanding of both the functional and aesthetic aspects of your smile. He combines the science of prosthodontics with the artistry of cosmetic dentistry to deliver truly transformative results.